Today's tip: Have a good laugh
Did you know laughter has both short-term and long-term health benefits? In addition to helping you feel relaxed, the Mayo Clinic reports that a good laugh can help with short-term increases in your oxygen-rich air intake. Laughter can also simulate your heart, lungs, and muscles; boost the release of endorphins in your brain; and aid in muscle relaxation. In terms of long-term benefits, regular laughter can relieve pain, boost your immunity, and improve your personal satisfaction and mood.
How can you laugh more while social distancing? Thankfully, we live in a time when technology can help! Find a funny movie or comedy stand-up special on a streaming app. Video chat with some friends and play a game. Instead of scrolling through social media or news, find a string of comedic memes. Get a few friends on a text stream and keep it light!